Friday, April 1, 2011

Vignette Responses

So far I have been reading everyone’s vignettes, and some of them really stuck out to me. The main three were The Curious Case of the Panda by Christian Cortez, Talent by Christy Nghe, and Regret by Melissa Ma. Theyall stood out to me for different reasons, but they were all tied together because they made me think. The first one that I chose was The Curious Case of the Panda. I remember when Christian stood up in front of the class and read this vignette to us, and it was one hell of a performance. At first I thought I was going to be kind of a funny story with its title, but then it started to get serious. When he started saying make it stop, make it stop, I started to freak out inside. Here is what he said.

Whaaaat? Who…said……who said…..that? POUND POUND POUND. AHHHHHHHH! Aaron screamed for his head to stop pounding.
“Look, now he is awake. Just be quiet.”
“Hahahahahahah”, says the baby giraffe, “you will never make it out of this hospital. You’ll be stuck in here forever!”

I started to think that something was seriously wrong when this started happening. When he told us that it was when his brother was in the hospital it made me think, “How did this happen to him, yet he is still happy and uplifting every day?”. This vignette made me see that maybe life can get you down, but there are still greater things to look forward to.

The next vignette that I chose was Christy’s Talent. I saw how she never had a real talent and I could relate. She says:

“I despise people when they ask me what my talent is. I seem to never have one but other people do. Don’t worry you’ll find your talent. I don’t think I will, I have been waiting for 14 years to find out what my talent was but it never happened”

I have never really had a talent that I could be proud of. All my life I have felt like my friends have such great hobbies and passions while I didn’t have everything. I feel like I am still trying to find out what mine is. She didn’t just start playing music which is smart because she wanted to make sure this is what she wanted to do. This doesn’t always work for me, but it worked for her, which is good. I hope one day I can find my talent.

The final vignette that I chose was Regret by Melissa. This story stuck out the most for me because I felt like this was a very personal subject. When she was young her mother and her father separated, and the same thing happened to me. My situation wasn’t nearly as worse as hers because I still got to see my parents evenly. The main sentencez that stood out to me were these:

At the end of the game she is stunned. In her head I can tell that she regrets missing out on watching me play. She regrets passively watching my other game five years ago because now I play at a different level. Rose regrets not being able to experience the growth I had made since the last time she watched me.

This made me feel bad because she never really had her mother around to support her as much as another kid might have. I wish that it was possible for everyone to have the chance to have a fair, nice childhood and maybe I can help change that in the world. Sometimes you have to struggle in life and you will have hard times, but as they say you just have to 'keep on trucking'.

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