Saturday, December 11, 2010

Response th Stanley's post

Whilst on Google reader I came across Stanley’s blog. He was talking about drama at school which is a large topic this year he said:

I just don't see why some people find it beneficial to start rumors if they know it could get messy. Especially at this school, we came here to learn, we did the application and everything, not once did it say "There will be copious amounts of drama." I think that no one should even get involved with drama; it’s a waste of time and emotions. Starting rumors behind peoples backs hurts feelings, I think you shouldn't start rumors about anyone, or "talk S***" as they say, but if you are definitely going to do this then at least do it to their face, so that you can recognize that you guys don't like each other, leave each other alone and get it over with.

I couldn’t agree with what he said more. For instance here was drama earlier this year between one girl, let’s call he D, and another girl, W. This one boy like D but W was in love with this boy. W said some pretty mean things that were just as some people say ‘out of pocket’. It wasn’t D’s fault that the boy like her, he just did. One thing Stan said was he came here to get rid of the drama and get a good education, as did I but it doesn’t seem to be working out. It is just sad that some people still haven’t grown up and got away from stuff like that.

Some things I do to stay away from these problems are just tell the person to stop it when it starts, just remove yourself from the situation or just befriend people who stay away. If you follow these you will be just fine.

Book Response

Book Response

This section of the story was more surprising than anything else. For one you found out who killed Wellington on page one hundred twenty. I was very surprised when Father tells Christopher that he killed the dog, but it made sense. I remember in the begging of the story he angrily tell Christopher to just stay out of the whole investigation. When he found out, Christopher wondered what else his dad had lied about. What happened next was another major event in the story. When searching his father’s room while he was at work he found a box full of letters from his mother who had supposedly died years before. He started reading them and discovered that she was indeed alive and was living in London. He decided to get away from his dog- murdering father and visit her. The story leaves of right there after the second paperclip, so I wonder what will happen after that. I predict that he will want to stay with her for the rest of the story.

I figured out that Christopher’s dad was probably an alcoholic because whenever they got in a fight he would say, “I need a god damn drink”. I think he is provoked to drink because he is a single parent raising an autistic child, which I imagine would be stressful. He also might drink because he is just having a hard life working a dead end job. I can relate to this because I have met people who drink for similar reasons. One thing I found very interesting is Christopher’s whole lying thing. At the beginning of the story Christopher says he cannot tell a lie or tell a joke, but later on he explains that he tells white lies which are truth, but not the whole truth. Is that still a lie? I’m not sure, but he also tells a joke. Maybe everything Christopher does is a lie. I’m just very confused, and I hope the book reveals more in the end. Christopher is a very interesting character and so far the story is great.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Response to the curious incident of the dog at night time

So far while reading this story by Mark Haddon I have been very questioning about it. There have been couple moments where I just wondered. For instance when Christopher says he never tells lies. I had a couple of questions about it. My first one was ‘Can he not lie because of his autism?’ I know that autism has certain things that happen where like a person thinks a certain color is bad, or they are not able to tell certain emotions, so this might be another one of those things. My second question was is he not able to tell a lie because he just isn’t a liar. I also think that this idea could be possible because some people just can’t lie. It relates to how I can’t fall asleep without a light on or without socks. It just bothers me. So far from reading the story I would say it is probably because he just doesn’t like lying. I just developed this through the actions that he has done so far.

My second was why is the father so angry all of the time? Some theories I came up were maybe he was mad because his wife cheated on him, his wife died, or it is just raising an autistic child as a single parent. Sometimes when people find out their spouse is cheating on them they cannot control themselves. There seems to be some fire burning deep down inside. I have seen this happen before and it was just crazy. When somebody very close to you dies you will always feel like it was your fault and you could have done something to stop it. When they were fighting it seems plausible that it could have been around the time that his wife died. This would obviously cause stress. The final theory of him being a single parent is probably the most logical answer. Raising a child as a single parent must be very challenging because you have to balance bills with food and tons of other variables. I think the thing that would make it even harder is having a child with some sort of development problem.

Si far I am really enjoying this book and all of its crazy antics. I look forward to keep on reading it and asking more questions.