Monday, May 2, 2011

"Peer review comments" or something like that.

Questions for Yen:

I agree with Luis. If you forget to write your question at the top it can be confusing for people to understand what exactly you are talking about. I think that you should expand on the actual questions, not just stating the plot. You also forgot a conclusion!! Overall it was a good post that can use a little work.

Questions for Luis

Some of you sentences just seem like they are there just to be fillers, so make sure that you actually make your sentences out. If you are stuck trying to find words that will make your writing for a little more formal you can use a thesaurus. I think you should talk a little more about how much of an effect the book had on you, and why you would recommend it so much,

Questions for Kathy:

Formality seems to be a reoccurring theme with this group, and like I told Luis, using a thesaurus can really help. Also like I told Luis, don't summarize so much. The goal is to answer the questions, not tell what you book it about. PS you background gave me a head ache.

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