Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sutherland Final

Whilst reminiscing on the older writings of mine I came to enlightenment about how I have grown, and how I have changed over the year. I realized that I started off at a little bit of a rough start, and frankly I found myself disagreeing with some of the things I said. I am pleased with my growth, and hope to continue growing.
On my very first post “Just Kidding and Ganging Up” I told a story about a time when I was in a conflict with another student. I handled it in a very peculiar way that I would have definitely done differently. Here is what I said,
“Some of my options were to try to tell a teacher, get in a fight, and get a group of your friends to confront them with myself, or simply just ignore them. Trying to tell the teacher didn’t work because like I said, they would be ‘just kidding’. Getting in a fight didn’t make sense either because violence wasn’t the answer to this problem. Getting a group of my friends together made sense at first so I talked to a couple of them and we decided to do that. Later that day I realized that that would probably lead to violence to, so that choice was out. The last choice was to ignore them. That always works the best in a situation like that, but it is hard to do for me. I always just wanted to say something back, and a lot of the times I did. But I realized that it wouldn’t. Soon everybody else started to ignore them and they stopped. I think the reason that they stopped was because they always had someone react to it. Once they saw that everyone just ignored them they just felt stupid. I think that was the best ways to make anything like that stop.”
In my honest opinion I would have done things completely different, which isn’t always bad because it shows personal growth for me. If this same situation were to happen to me today I probably would deal with it myself. I feel confident in myself enough that I feel that I could just simply stop all of the drama. This surprises me because I want to go back and ask myself, “What are you thinking? Why don’t you just be strong and deal with it yourself”. I wish I could take it all back and do it over again, because my relationship with that kid might be a whole lot better and civilized. When you are domestic and kind about your argument, you will more often than not come out on top.
My favorite blog post that I wrote this year was my “Basic Book Review” that I wrote on April 30th. I simply liked this one the most because of the length and content that it included. I had some very strong points, and I feel that my word choices were great. The main thing that I utilized to write this post was a thesaurus. A thesaurus can be helpful in all ways because if I am ever at a loss for words I can easily just pull up an online thesaurus to get a better word to use. This can also convince your reader that you are more educated on you subject. My secondary utilization to write my essay was actually the peer review comments that I was left on that post. Getting a peer review of you writings is always important because it can show you many ways to improve on your writing and really lock down your thoughts. When I went back to check on by post I saw that I had 3 comments from my table mates Yen, Kathy, and Luis. They very politely left me comments that really helped me for new ideas. Here is some of the things they said.

“In the first question, address why this book would be better for young adults to read than younger kids. Why shouldn't younger kids read this book? etc. Also you need another CD/CM, but I think it still is good without another one. You should talk more about the plot because it is confusing of what you are talking about like "unwound." I thought you did well on the second question, pretty solid part of book review. Solid post overall, keep it up. – Luis

i like how you used a rare question, but make sure that you make you’re feeling about the books overall ranking. if you liked it overall, if it was overrated, and why did it make you feel that way. – Kathy
as you can see these comments helped tremendously. I always love getting constructive criticism, as it is a way to learn from your mistakes and problems. Whenever you are feeling like you are helpless is it very beneficial to just reach out and have someone read you work.

The final tool that I used was rest. Sometimes you simply just need to take a break to clear your mind. This can help you refocus on your topic, and get your ideas to help you. If you need to take a hour long break, take it because in the end you will come out with a better final and better quality work.
Over the whole year I have grown tremendously. I have writing that I agree with, and then I have some writing that I hate. I also have writing that I am just okay with, and that drives me to go back and fix it. I plan on keeping blogging during the years, and I hope all of my friends do too.

1 comment:

  1. A quick point of disagreement: using a thesaurus to convince your audience that you sound more educated on a subject, is no substitute for ACTUALLY BEING more educated and using whatever words are already in your arsenal to express yourself.

    I like the part about how you look back to see that you'd have handled a certain situation differently now...I love having old writing around to use as a mirror. You never know what you'll learn about yourself!

    Thanks for a great year and hope you'll keep posting here...
