Friday, January 14, 2011

free topic

I couldn’t think of what to write of for the longest time and then it hit me. So I have decided to write about the atom bombs that were dropped on two cities in Japan. I want to talk about if they were necessary. In my own beliefs I believe dropping an atom bomb on a whole city of innocent people is ridiculous. After seeing picture of what those things do to people it just make you think how horrible it is. Instead of dropping an atomic bomb they could have used regular bombs which are much more humane. In my opinion dropping something that devastating on such a small place is kind of like putting firecrackers in an ant hill. It is just overkill.

Some people might try to counter this argument in a couple of ways. First they might say,” look what they did to Pearl Harbor. They deserved it.” I disagree with this because yes, they did attack us first, but as Gandhi said,” an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind”. This is basically saying that if people are in a conflict they will both encounter pain and they both would have better if they just left the conflict in the first place. The second argument would be,” they deserve it because of what they did in Nanking”. Yes what they did in Nanking was horrible and disgusting, but if we do what we did are we any better? The answer is no. There are better ways to solve problems than through violence, but they don’t always work. My point is that it is not okay to do what we did.

I know many people might disagree with me and others will be behind me. I hope this has made you at least think differently than you have before.

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