Friday, January 21, 2011

Opening Statement

I think that parents should definitely be able to modify their child’s DNA because it is their choice. Right now people are allowed to change the DNA to avoid mental illness and birth defects. If they already have the technology I see no reason why it shouldn’t be used. I was reading the news when I came across a couple from Australia who had a miscarriage. They saw the baby’s face and instantly fell in love. They wanted to have another girl who looked just like her, so they tried again. This time they got twin boys. Since they wanted a girl the aborted the twins. I am against abortion, but I understand their view point. They want to use a program called IVF which will basically make sure they get a girl. However in their state IVF is illegal. This is why I think that modifying DNA should be legal. If they really want a girl this bad I think they should be able to. People might say that altering DNA is wrong because birth and perception should be natural. I say that it is the parent’s choice, but they need to have some sort of license that signifies that they are capable to make the right decision. I also think it should be up to the parents because it’s not like the fetus can choose for itself. In the case of the Australian couple I think they should be able to use IVF because the wife says she will become depressed if she doesn’t have a girl. If this is causing so much trouble in their lives there is no reason that they shouldn’t be able to use it. Expanding our scientific knowledge is a good thing. One day we might even be able to manipulate our DNA while we are middle aged to just switch up our lives because to be honest sometimes I get bored of being myself. We need to embrace the new world that we are living in and things are just going to keep changing.


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