Friday, January 14, 2011

Response to Billy's Post

When I was looking for something to respond to this week I stumbled upon Billy’s post about global warming. I thought the point he gave were very valid and made sense. Here is what he said:

So is global warming caused by humans or is it natural? I think that global warming is caused by humans. In the past there have been cold and warm weather periods and some scientists believe that it’s natural, but most scientists say that humans are the main cause. In recent graphs and scales CO2 levels seem to be rising up off the charts and the temperature seems to follow along meaning the more Co2 in the air the higher the temperature. We Americans live in a place were industries and companies are big in money and in pollution. For years, scientists have been arguing about this but no one can find the correct answer. I say we don’t take any chances that whether it is natural or not and we should stop polluting the air and drive more eco-friendly cars to save this planet.”

All of his points were great. For example when he says he thinks global warming is caused by humans it immediately made sense to me. If human never existed or they used fewer resources from the earth, the earth wouldn’t be as bad as it is now. Two scientist, Raymond Bradley, Michael Mann, and Malcolm Hughes, did a study that proven over the last 1000 years temperatures have raised a large amount compared to all of the years before that. They also saw that the greenhouse gases were the main problem. I believe there are ways to stop global warming, but we have to start doing it now if it is going to work. The first step we have to do is produce less garbage. If we all produced less garbage that would be more space that isn’t a landfill and that is less gas that goes into the air from garbage trucks. Just doing that could help grandly. Another thing you can do is turn off lights or appliances when you aren’t using them. I remember reading somewhere that if you turn of lights enough power is saved to power a small town for a day or something like that. The point is if we treat the world right it will be here for many years to come.

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